Nos últimos 6 meses, a Anahí esteve a fazer Voluntariado Internacional em Portugal ao abrigo do programa Corpo Europeu de Solidariedade, no âmbito do projeto Citizenship Lab Volunteering, coordenado pela Rota Jovem e em parceria com o Take It 🌍
Lê o testemunho da sua experiência 👇
"I really struggled to find the words to describe my experience into this volunteering
program but at the end I think it would be defined as challenging and developing.

I have definitely grown a lot by being in contact with this solidary part of me and to be able to offer my knowledge in favor of the construction of educational and cultural community
spaces. It is one of the things that fills my heart the most to know that I can contribute
my grain of sand to join forces in the realization of projects.

I am very happy to have done it and I would recommend it to everyone to do it too.